
Location Information

Country Thai – Denver

Phone: 3038567204

Address: 823 Thornton Pkwy, Denver, CO 80229, USA

Normal Hours:
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 11am - 3pm, 4pm - 9pm
Thursday: 11am - 3pm, 4pm - 9pm
Friday: 11am - 3pm, 4pm - 9pm
Saturday: 11am - 3pm, 4pm - 9pm
Sunday: 11am - 3pm, 4pm - 9pm

Special Hours:

There is no up comming special hours for this location at the moment.

Make Online Reservation

* Indicates a required field
Any info. that can help us to prepare for your party better (eg. need 2 high chair, need wheel chair accessible)